Illuminator Wholesaler, Wholesale Lighting Fixtures, Malibu, CA

Call Us Today For Info & Prices on Our Lights

(888) - 999-9041
(310) - 600- 8134

Parking Lot Lighting

A parking lot is a convenient place for people to park their cars close to your building. But if your parking lot lacks illumination, your parking lot can be a safety hazard. Instead, provide your parking lot with the lighting it needs with Illuminator Wholesaler. We provide a wide array of parking lot lights for you to choose from.

Outdoor Designer Fixtures

Designer Fixtures

Prelit Palm Trees

New Dramatic Lighted Palm Trees!

Ornamental Exterior Lighting

What Parking Lot Lighting Do You Need?

No matter your parking lot situation, depend on us to provide the lights you need. For example, do you have a large or small parking lot? You might only have a few light poles if you have a dozen parking spots or several light poles that spread out through your expansive lot. All of these light poles require certain lights to provide bright illumination.

For example, you might want to benefit from energy-efficient, bright, and long-lasting LED lights. LED lights come in a couple of varieties. You might put a bulb in an existing pole light fixture, or you might choose to replace an entire light fixture. Based on your budget, experience, and number of light fixtures, either choice might be better for you.

Landscape and Outdoor Lighting

Another type of parking lot light you might choose is HID lights. HID, or high-intensity discharge, lights provide lots of visibility and are great at lighting entire areas of a parking lot. They also last a long time. If you’re unsure what lighting is best for your parking lot, reach out to us today. We’ll be happy to go over your specific parking lot needs.

Why Choose Us for Your Parking Lot Needs?

The lighting for your parking lot can be a big undertaking, especially if you need to install lights for the first time or replace all your lights all at once. We’re here to help in any way possible. Besides offering various types of lighting, we also strive to provide you with a quality customer experience. Simply let us know of any questions or concerns you may have.


Call us at (888)-999-9041 or (310)-600- 8134. Also, if you need any other type of lights, please see our entire inventory.

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Illuminator Wholesaler is the top provider for all outdoor lights including commercial and residential. Contractors from all over the world choose us when they need quality lights quick.

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As one of the most respected and renown illumination providers, Illuminator Wholesaler is constantly being featured in a variety of magazines, articles, and television programs.